We all have a concern or problem that we find challenging or difficult that we present with, working together with me will not only address and connect to what you present with but unpack what happened, what lies beneath the surface of the identified issue.
Spending a long time searching for my worth outside myself, I slowly realised that helping everyone else and not myself would only lead me down a darker and lonelier path. I could not be healthy or functional in relationships as the relationship with myself was filled with pain and shame. I didn’t know what I needed, what my boundaries were, how to love and support myself.
I tried to change and control everything around me, each presenting concern, difficult conflict, unhealthy relationship. When really, I needed to find myself, connect and heal on a much deeper level so I could then thrive and feel love in relationship. This meant exploring my past experiences of emotional pain, seeing how they influenced who I became and where I go from here.
Therapy in self and relationship means a look in the mirror to start to identify who you are; through looking at worth, boundaries and how to meet your own needs. Increasing self-awareness and understanding yourself allows for healthier relationships, an increase in self-esteem and a decrease in mental health symptoms
I pride myself on my passion to connect with others and my ability to form relationships that are built on connection, support, and compassion. My lived experience in finding my reasons to connect and understand gives me the power of strengthening my clients to gain a better life with long-lasting change and ongoing motivation and goals.
I support individuals with a variety of challenges and concerns that can stem from relationship issues ranging from communication, trust, intimacy, past trauma, repeated patterns, grief and loss to suicidality, addiction, mental health concerns.
I use the relationship with the individual to drive the therapy, using a variety of specialised therapeutic techniques and modalities to meet the individual’s needs.
I create a safe space to find reason and hope to thrive within yourself and relationships through connection to your own worth and emotional pain.