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Conscious relationship is meant to embrace moments and the conflict that comes up as oppourtunity for growt, so we can use the realtionship as a personal growtth machine that we can heal in - Nick Solaczek.

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Conscious relationships; coaching to function securely with Nick Solaczek.

This episode is all about conscious relationships. Nick is a Certified IMAGO Relationship Coach. He works with individuals and couples to boost their IQ and success in romantic relationships, with an emphasis on safe conversation techniques, mindfulness, authenticity, and boundary setting. He has coached Hollywood celebrities, government agents, CEO's, high-profile lawyers, therapists, doctors, fresh partners and lifelong marriages. He has also been privileged to assist Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt (founders of IMAGO and authors of the bestseller "Getting the Love You Want" in their online training for couples. Nick reasons with me about the narratives we have about ourselves and our relationships and how to start having authentic powerful love within conscious partnerships.

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